Digital Transformation and Business Analytics in the industry has entered mainstream where after a decade or more of various approaches, are now becoming platforms that drive continuous innovation and value. Enterprises are adopting and deploying advanced digital and automation solutions (Including Robotic process automation and AI) along with advanced intelligent analytics into their core business processes. Many of these companies are enabling such solutions to advance customer obsession and drive new sources of revenue and achieve competitive advantage.

Such Digital and AI-driven Advanced Analytics are becoming Enterprise Solutions (as opposed to point/one-off/trial solutions) and Enterprise platforms. Therefore, automating AI-driven decision-making within everyday business processes becomes key.

Companies that maximize the value of customer data, to understand customers, their attitudes, preferences and behavior, and predict their choices via series of inter-linked AI-based analytical models that adapt and evolve over time. Data analyzed are of all types – behavioral, descriptive, interactions and attitudinal, to build the richest profiles for accurate predictive modeling of individual behavior. Companies are creating dynamic 1:1 interactions with every customer, continuously enriching each customer profile and choosing the best actions by applying predictive analytics models to predict individual customer behavior and recommend the best actions to take (when, where, how and what). During every interaction, learning more about each customer by capturing the most important data at that time that improves individual predictions.

Such AI-driven analytics with automation solutions are maturing to become enterprise platforms (Converged with Digital and Analytics programs). Ascend professionals are industry-leading experts in advancing such programs to our customers via our DTS and BAS solution practices., We are often building such platforms delivering real-time insights derived from data that is continuously captured, with AI-driven analytical models executing in core business processes and analytical offers/insights deployed and integrated into the core customer’s IT and business systems. Such platforms enable “Insights-as-a-service” (IaaS) and “Insights-as-a-platform” (IaaP) where we can continually push/deliver to customers for real-time decision making. It is, from this platform, that the insights are monetizable.  Such platforms impact many business processes in sales, marketing, manufacturing, R&D, operations, renewals, customer-facing processes, logistics and supply chain, pricing, finance and accounting and other back office functions.

We leverage client’s existing technology investments for rapid implementation and accelerated ROI by enhancing client’s existing operational systems to add the power of their Digital and AI-driven analytics without substantial re-engineering and re-training

The bottom line is that organizations that use such Enterprise Platform approach to digital automation and advanced AI-driven analytics in their business processes, then efficiently and effectively attract, grow and retain valuable customers, reduce fraud and mitigate risk in their businesses.

Ascend is advancing RPA/AI pilots with our clients in enabling an end-to-end business architecture approach to process automation, introducing automated bots where necessary, inserting advanced intelligence (AI/ML) engines in the automated processes, and predictive analytical models to detect, infer, and make smart recommendations. We have employed such concepts in aerospace, logistics and supply chain, consumer B2B/B2C, financial and media industries’ use cases.

Ascend also is adept in advancing such innovation ideas to the C-Suite, building the relevant business case and enabling provable pilots that demonstrates success with high value, balancing costs and risks. As part of the Accelo MethodologyTM toolkit, we often perform a Total Economic Impact (TEI) forecast analysis up front so your innovation trials can be purpose-built, designed to fail-fast (if that happens), course-correct in an agile iterative fashion.

Learn more at Digital Transformation Solutions (DTS) practice

Learn more at Business Analytics Solutions (BAS) practice

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